iSetUp Profiles

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There's more to a social media campaign than Liking.

If you need help getting started from scratch, maybe all you have is a business card, a logo, a bit of info about your business and you’re looking to get online for the first time. Or maybe you have a great website but no social media presence. Our start up package could be for you. At $99 for the first two profiles and $50 per additional profile, you can’t lose.

Web 2.0: User-Created Content

#1 Task: Be Found

There are so many websites that offer the opportunity to create your own profile and network within their framework.

The main one we love to hate is Facebook but it is just one player on this ever widening field.

Linked In has a very functional interface for networking, and Twitter‘s straight forward approach combined with its enormous popularity & integration into search engines such as Google makes it the digital equal to what the yellow pages used to be in print.

Most social networks offer the capability of updating many of your other profiles automatically when you update one, thus syncing them.

While it might annoy some people who are on every network to get the same message multiple times, for many businesses, that’s not a huge factor since there are different audiences on different networks.

What are factors are things like search engine rankings, which a regularly updated social media presence is hugely helpful for, and being found when someone is looking for you and where they are looking. Think about it, if you were offered free advertising on television, would you take a slot on just one channel, or all of them?

1 profile $99 or 3 for $250

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