pet peeve: image label lack
By : Admin -
so my pet peeve of the decade, that I’ll finally acknowledge – web content managers and email campaign creators that fail to give their images a label, and I’ll tell you why. i use a blackberry that can’t be upgraded to the current os, which is an android platform. i’m holding off on adopting that […]
READ MOREthe new social
By : Admin -
Just when you thought you had it all figured out the rules are changing again!
READ MOREAffiliate Links
By : Admin -

Today I’m going to talk about affiliate links. You never know which one might make you residual income that you’ll be celebrating receiving some time in the future, near or far. Today I signed up for Property Guys affiliation.
READ MOREWaiting for Godot
By : Admin -

Toronto is acting like a spoiled debutante keeping her date waiting while the tickets to the expensive event lose their value by each anxiety ridden minute that goes by. She can’t decide what she wants to wear, she’s reeked havoc in her mayhem, trying on different things and tossing them on the floor (and we […]
READ MOREa drone for xmas
By : Admin -

This is the year every early adopter, tech nerd, kid who has everything already with parents who want to impress or appease, will get a drone for Christmas Inc. One has to wonder if this will be just like all the other gadgets we’ve had marketed to us, under the guise of religious revelry, (though […]
Facebook now lets you respond to comments on pages privately so you can keep customer issues confidential while Twitter releases the reins on restrictions to direct messaging.